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ČESON je členem organizace BatLife

Vespertilio 16 (2012)

Bibliografie / Bibliography

Vladimír Hanák, Petr Benda, Stanislav Komárek & Marcel Uhrin:
60 years of Professor Ivan Horáček  PDF

Odborné příspěvky / Articles

Iliya Artyushin, Vladimir Lebedev, Anna Bannikova & Sergei Kruskop:
A molecular reappraisal of the taxonomic status of Eptesicus serotinus turcomanus  PDF

Ondřej Balvín, Martin Ševčík, Helena Jahelková, Tomáš Bartonička, Maria Orlova & Jitka Vilímová:
Transport of bugs of the genus Cimex (Heteroptera: Cimicidae) by bats in western Palaearctic  PDF

Andriy-Taras Bashta:
Hibernacula of Barbastella barbastellus in Ukraine: distribution and some ecological aspects  PDF

Petr Benda & Peter Vallo:
New look on the geographical variation in Rhinolophus clivosus with description of a new horseshoe bat species from Cyrenaica, Libya  PDF

Szilárd Bücs, Csaba Jére, István Csősz, Levente Barti & Farkas Szodoray-Parádi:
Distribution and conservation status of cave-dwelling bats in the Romanian Western Carpathians  PDF

Luděk Bufka & Jaroslav Červený:
Population increase of Rhinolophus hipposideros in the Šumava Mts. Region, SW Bohemia  PDF

Josef Chytil & Jiří Gaisler:
Development of the Rhinolophus hipposideros population in southern Moravia, Czech Republic  PDF

Panagiotis Georgiakakis, Sara Kaidatzi & Petr Benda:
Morphometrics of Myotis blythii from Crete: A taxonomic transition or an island effect?  PDF

Witold Grzywiński, Jan S. Boratyński, Jakub Górecki, Radosław Jaros, Maurycy Ignaczak, Barbara Karwowska, Anna Kmiecik, Paweł Kmiecik, Maciej Łochyński, Katarzyna Malak, Krzysztof Polowy, Marta Wieczorek & Grzegorz Wojtaszyn:
Bats hibernating in stand-alone bunkers of the Międzyrzecki Fortified Front in the years 2005–2012  PDF

Rainer Hutterer, Christian Montermann & Melanie Weigt:
A Holocene bat fauna from the Eifel Mountains, Germany  PDF

Peter Kaňuch:
On the occurrence of Pipistrellus nathusii in central Slovakia  PDF

Ján Krištofík & Štefan Danko:
Arthropod ectoparasites (Acarina, Heteroptera, Diptera, Siphonaptera) of bats in Slovakia  PDF

Radek K. Lučan & Miroslav Mokrycki:
A house-dwelling maternity colony of Nyctalus leisleri: first record from the Czech Republic  PDF

Peter Mikula & Adéla Čmoková:
Lepidopterans in the summer diet of Eptesicus serotinus in Central Bohemia  PDF

Jiří Mlíkovský:
Correct name for the Indian flying fox (Pteropodidae)  PDF

Ján Obuch:
Assemblages of bats in deposits of the Dobšinská Ice Cave, Slovenský raj National Park, Slovakia  PDF

Sebastien J. Puechmaille, Wassim M. Hizem, Benjamin Allegrini & Awatef Abiadh:
Bat fauna of Tunisia: Review of records and new records, morphometrics and echolocation data  PDF

Ashok Purohit, Preeti Soni, Amanpreet Kaur & Heera Ram:
First record of Taphozous melanopogon in the Barmer area of the Thar Desert, Rajasthan, India  PDF

Juan Quetglas, Ondřej Balvín, Radek K. Lučan & Petr Benda:
First records of the bat bug Cacodmus vicinus (Heteroptera: Cimicidae) from Europe and further data on its distribution  PDF

Marco Riccucci:
Bats as materia medica: an ethnomedical review and implications for conservation  PDF

Valentina V. Rosina:
Myotis cf. schaubi and other bats from the Pleistocene of the Central Altai Mts., Russia  PDF

Friederike Spitzenberger & Edmund Weiss:
Changes in roost occupancy and abundance in attic-dwelling bats during decreasing roost availability in Burgenland, Austria  PDF

Marcel Uhrin, Sándor Boldogh, Szilárd Bücs, Milan Paunović, Edita Miková, Márton Juhász, István Csősz, Péter Estók, Miroslav Fulín, Péter Gombkötő, Csaba Jére, Levente Barti, Branko Karapandža, Štefan Matis, Zoltán L. Nagy, Farkas Szodoray-Parádi & Petr Benda:
Revision of the occurrence of Rhinolophus euryale in the Carpathian region, Central Europe  PDF

Marianne Volleth & Klaus-Gerhard Heller:
Variations on a theme: Karyotype comparison in Eurasian Myotis species and implications for phylogeny  PDF

Kamila Wawrocka, Tomáš Bartonička & Antonín Reiter:
Pipistrellus kuhlii, a bat species breeding and hibernating in the Czech Republic  PDF

Jan Zukal & Martin Gajdošík:
Diet of Eptesicus serotinus in an agricultural landscape  PDF